I think about posting to our blog WAY more often than I actually do it. Does anyone else think of random things to blog about and then forget or get lazy? Some things keep coming back to me and some don't. I know it doesn't matter much, but I would like to blog more often. It's only fair, right? I am always checking everyone elses blogs and even though it's "cyberspace" it warms my heart to see pictures of children, hear what's going on in your world and most of all, laugh at things and people that crack me up!
My favorite blogs are those where people post often, are "real" about things and share funny stories or opinions. So-I'm going to give a shout out to Heather M.(I can always count on you for a new post), Mormon in Manhattan, Ashley Moffat And Erin Haynie (don't know your married name...) for always making me happy with your frequent, funny posting . Not a bit of offense to the rest of you-I LOVE YOUR BLOGS TOO! I'm just saying, I want to be more real with you and make you laugh (I can only guarantee on making Jana, Rischel or Marissa laugh-but hey, those are my besties, they indulge me). I don't think I want to do this just to be liked or blogular (blog-popular, copyright Kelli 2009) but because I like to write and I want to give those people that actually check my blog a smile.Oh yeah-there are some pictures of the kid...she is the greatest.
Blogular!! Love it! Very smart to copyright it b/c it's brilliant! I agree that I always think about blogging things and it rarely happens.
Mission accomplished! You made me laugh out loud for real with blogular! You really are hilarious and I LOVE your blog! I want you to post everyday!!
PS Felicity is so stinkin cute!
i was so excited when i check my blogs and the radmalls had a new one!!
thanks kelli, i love the goggle picture, felicity is going to be quite hilarious, i can tell. and i as well enjoyed blogular. keep on bloggin bells, cyberspace needs it.
You are a funny one Kell. I love bogular! Add me to the list that laughs at ya!
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