Thursday, February 4, 2010

Round Two

How are my goals going, you ask?

Well-they were going just OK for a few days-then we were hit with another "stomach bug" and everything pretty much went out the window.

I will have you know that I went to bed by 10:30 for like, three nights in a row-I couldn't fall asleep right away though and one of those nights I lay in bed giggling because I was thinking of funny things to tell Jana and I really, really wanted to call her except I didn't because I was so disciplined at keeping my goals-partly-for a couple of days. I was also up-and-at-em by 10:30 for a few days.

I went to the rec center once (sincere thanks to Christie for helping me be motivated to go) and I called twice to make an appointment for pulmonary therapy but could never get a live human on the phone. I have been doing much better at remembering to take my new medication before bed. Ask Kurt if he likes the reminder on my phone each night at ten.

Since we have been sick I have been watching some t.v. and a lot of movies. But hey-I made the rule and I say that it's OK to break it for now. Also, I totally got new books at the library, but not as many as I usually do. I just couldn't take it anymore! I've got to have a book that I'm interested in (I have been muddling through some weird Orson Scott Card book and can't find the will to finish it. I just don't like his writing very much)

So-I just wanted to say poo-poo to my goals for now. We will see what happens when we are feeling better and not forever trapped in our lovely little home that smells like #3 and #4 (throw up and diarrhea-duh).

The good news is that we have been working on the smell and the cleaning and the laundry and the dishes and things are under control. If Felicity doesn't hurl tonight it would be a miracle and mean that I am almost caught up on laundry.

I asked Kurt last night if I was being punished for complaining about Felicity's last bout of sickness. He said no, and I say no because that's not how it works, right? Anyway-it's way worse this time. Felicity started barfing on Sunday night and woke up and dry heaved every half hour or so for almost 24 hours. We took her to the Dr. and got some medicine to help her stomach calm down. She was finally able to take in liquids and we avoided an I.V. Now it is Thursday night and we are praying for no more throwing up! She's got that other problem now too-the one that comes from too much soda and not enough food. I do think it's funny that she says, "scusting" (disgusting) when I change her diaper.

I'm sorry for all of the info on bodily fluids and such (don't read this one Tara) but I know some of you out there are not too phased by it (medical personnel and moms) and you might want to feel a little sorry for me and forgive me for skipping out on my goals so soon.

I am hoping we will get back to normal soon-but I am revisiting my footie pajamas for now. Thanks for listening and sorry for the lack of pictures-I can't find our memory card in all of the mayhem.


Rischel said...

I too think it's funny that she says "scusting". You're doing good on your goals! I am sorry you are all sick

Krista Hansen said...

I am so sad that she has been so sick. Seriously miserable. All my goals fly out the window the second anyone in the house is sick. No worries. Sure hope she gets better soon.

Tammi said...

oh Kel, that's so hard to see your baby so sick...and to take care of her when you're in pain and have no energy. I'm sorry things have been rough. Don't worry about "goals" in times like these (they're for over-achievers anyway). when i had a horrible bug a few months ago, I laid in bed all day with Drew and Owen, who watched eight hrs. of tv...and yes, i too often feel like I'm not succeeding at ANYTHING I'm trying to do, and everything is only half finished. i dont even have health issues..part of being a mom i guess. you're doing good if Felicity has a CLEAN diaper you and miss u girl!