Two of Kelli's best friends were in town and came by to visit. Jana (top) came with her husband Wes (aka Linguini). Marissa brought along her 3-month old son, Logan. That's right, boys. You better act quickly. Logan may appear bashful, but he is on a mission.
Kurt!! We can now be blogger-buddies! What a great way to introduce your newest sweetheart to all of us in Cali. Don't tell Kelli...but this baby is a Healy! Come on--don't those blond eyebrows say it all?? She looks just like ya.
Ok, first of all, being the obsessive blogger that I am, how in the WORLD did I not know that you guys had a blog!? Seconly, I LOVE baby felicity! I want to SQUEEZE her!
SeconDly, I meant in the comment above...
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