Friday, December 21, 2007

Best Friends

Two of Kelli's best friends were in town and came by to visit. Jana (top) came with her husband Wes (aka Linguini). Marissa brought along her 3-month old son, Logan. That's right, boys. You better act quickly. Logan may appear bashful, but he is on a mission.


Susan, Susie, Suz said...

Kurt!! We can now be blogger-buddies! What a great way to introduce your newest sweetheart to all of us in Cali. Don't tell Kelli...but this baby is a Healy! Come on--don't those blond eyebrows say it all?? She looks just like ya.

Heather said...

Ok, first of all, being the obsessive blogger that I am, how in the WORLD did I not know that you guys had a blog!? Seconly, I LOVE baby felicity! I want to SQUEEZE her!

Heather said...

SeconDly, I meant in the comment above...